Because your safety matters | Pepose Vision St. Louis

Because your safety matters

Your safety is our number one priority.

Learn about the protocols we are implementing to help keep you safe:

A message from the doctors at Pepose Vision Institute.

Whether it is using only FDA-approved technologies or creating customized medical treatments for the benefit of each patient, the Pepose Vision Institute has always held safety as its number one priority.

The same holds true for the approach we have taken in response to the COVID pandemic.

The Pepose Vision Institute’s response has been crafted based on months of careful analysis of the facts as we know them about COVID. Our Medical Director, Dr. Jay Pepose, is a world-renowned virologist as well as an ophthalmologist. 

Dr. Pepose received his M.D. and Ph.D. in Immunology and Virology from UCLA, and was at the very forefront of the emerging AIDS health crisis in the 1980s, conducting vital research to determine that AIDS cannot be transmitted through corneal transplants.

World-class doctors, world-class protection.

Now that the stay-at-home order in St. Louis has been relaxed, we have reopened our doors to treat patients with non-emergent conditions, as well as resuming surgery. To move forward safely, we are strictly adhering to the guidelines issued by the CDC and the American Academy of Ophthalmology

A careful, methodical review of Patient/Doctor/Staff interactions at Pepose Vision has led to a number of changes to substantially reduce the threat of infection on premises. These changes include:

  • Elimination of 90% of waiting room seats, with the remaining in compliance with six-foot distancing.
  • Removal of magazines, coffee, water dispensers and other items that can be vehicles for cross-patient infection.
  • Temperature and oxygen level testing at the very entrance of the building for both patients and staff.
  • Patient-only restricted access into the building.
  • Elimination of public restrooms (patient-only access).
  • Plexiglass partitions at all locations in which patients come into close contact with staff or Doctors.
  • Disinfecting all equipment and furniture potentially touched by a patient in the exam and diagnostic rooms after every single patient encounter.
  • The requirement that all patients and staff wear masks; clinical staff and Doctors wear N95 masks when in close contact with a patient.
  • Reduced patient flow into the Practice.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation, and we welcome you back to the Pepose Vision Institute.

We are honored to preserve, protect and enhance your vision, one patient at a time. Please contact 636-728-0111 or contact us today.

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