Should You Be Worried About Blue Light? - Pepose Vision Institute

Should You Be Worried About Blue Light?

Posted by: Pepose Vision Institute in Eye Care on September 15, 2017

When you stare at a screen for hours at a time, whether it is a computer, TV, phone or tablet, you are exposed to blue light from the device. But there is no scientific evidence that blue light from digital devices causes damage to your eye.

The discomfort some people have after looking at screens is most likely digital eyestrain. Most of us blink less when looking at screens, causing eye strain and dry eyes.

Blue light does affect the body’s circadian rhythm, our natural wake and sleep cycle. During the day, blue light wakes us up and stimulates us. But too much blue light exposure late at night from your phone, tablet or computer can make it harder to get to sleep.

That is why we recommend that you try to limit your screen time in the two to three hours before you go to bed. Many devices have nighttime settings that minimize blue light exposure in the evenings.

Although people often associate blue light with computers and phones, the largest source of blue light is sunlight. Other sources include fluorescent light, compact fluorescent light bulbs and LED light. Blue light exposure from screens is much less than the amount of exposure from the sun. It’s also no more damaging than blue light from the sun.

The best way to protect your eyes against eye strain from blue light in devices is to take regular breaks using the “20-20-20” rule: Every 20 minutes, shift your eyes to look at an object at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. You can also use artificial tears to refresh your eyes when they feel dry. Skip the glasses that claim to protect your eyes against blue light, because of a lack of evidence they are effective.

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